Leaded Extreme Pressure Grease


Applications: Plain / anti-friction bearings in heavy load-carrying automotive equipment, earth-moving equipment, gear couplings, electric motors, mining equipment, cold-rolling mills, general industrial machinery etc.

This lithium and lead-based grease are able to effectively prevent cohesion and welding of heavy-duty metallic surfaces in extreme pressure environments, enabling smooth functioning throughout, while having other important properties such as

–       Excellent shear stability

–       High load-carrying capacity

–       High oxidation stability

–       Anti-rust / anti-corrosion

–       Water washout resistance

** NLGI-3 grade EPL-3 Greases can be made against specific orders.

Performance Levels: As per IPSS: 1-09-005

Industries:  Steel mills, Paper mills,  Mining, Heavy Machinery, Metal Working, Construction